尚馬, soma-gfai tech
尚馬電聲由揚聲器單體到音響系統模擬測量服務進入第20年,更關注在噪音這個題材的發展,並找尋更多量測技術上的突破發展,而很興奮的開始能向學術研發單位及產業同仁介紹同樣是20年的德國gfai tech聲學攝影技術。
gfai tech進入雜訊和振動的測量可視化的產品和服務己超過有20年,是業界中聲學攝影機的發明家。經驗豐富的專家開發使用者友善的產品,併為客戶提供最佳標準和定製解決方案。在2020年,通過結構動力學擴展了商品的多元組合,確保有意義的從測量數據中獲得更多有效資訊。
gfai tech - Your Partner for Innovative Technologies
gfai tech GmbH has been producing and marketing innovative products for sound and vibration measurement and analysis “Made in Germany” for more than 15 years. As a 100 % subsidiary of the Society for the Advancement of Applied Computer Science e.V. (GFaI), it always produces industry-oriented and application-oriented.
gfai tech became famous for the first modular and flexible Acoustic Camera for the localization, visualization and analysis of sound sources.
Today, the portfolio also includes innovations for experimental modal analysis and complete software solutions for monitoring, analysis and evaluation of acoustic measurement data.
Our measurement solutions are applied in noise reduction, error detection and sound design in the automotive, industrial, air-traffic, train-traffic and R&D sectors.
